Dr. Heffner has developed a collaborative relationship with Jill Sheppard-Davenport, CNS of Its Just Health.  Jill is available for both nutritional consultations and health coaching services.  She has both virtual and office-based appointments available.

What you can expect from working together:

  • Personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations that support your budget, busy schedule, and lifestyle
  • High-quality supplement recommendations to correct nutritional deficiencies and support metabolic pathways
  • Recipes, handouts, and other materials that support your diet and lifestyle changes
  • Accountability to help you develop lifelong healthy habits
  • Emotional support and encouragement
  • Stress management and self-care recommendations
  • Education on healthy cooking, meal planning, and tips for turning your favorite foods into more nutrient-dense meals


How do you know if nutrition counseling is right for you?

  • You want more energy and better sleep quality
  • You want to feel happier and reduce stress & anxiety
  • You are pregnant or planning a pregnancy within 6 months
  • You want to reduce bloating, constipation, or acid reflux
  •  You want to reduce PMS and balance your hormones
  • You want to easily lose or maintain weight
  • You want clear skin
  • You want to better manage a chronic condition
  • You want to reduce your risk of chronic disease
  • You want to eliminate demanding food cravings

Do YOU have a Biochemcial Imbalance?